Rheometer Design to Investigate Abrasive Magnetorheological Fluids
Submission ID:109 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2023-05-10 13:46:50 Hits:655
Oral Presentation
In the past few decades, abrasive magnetorheological fluids (abrasive MRF) became increasingly important for the grinding and finishing process of high-precision components.[1] Namely, magnetorheological finishing and magnetic abrasive finishing feature highly promising grinding processes.[2], [3]
Within this contribution, we present a novel rheometer design to capture fundamental properties of abrasive MRF. The aim of this work is to develop a test bench that can be used to measure both the rheological and abrasive quantities of an arbitrary abrasive MRF. Key features are the wide range of applicable work piece materials and MRF as well as the straight forward handling of the test bench. The design promises better insights into the behaviour of abrasive MRF.
The design of the rheometer is introduced and an FE-model is established using the software COMSOL Multiphysics. The MRF is located in an axial shear gap with a stationary outer cylinder and a rotating inner cylinder. The inner cylinder is used as a specimen to measure the material removal process. It is realized as a simple geometry and can be easily disassembled and replaced to determine material removal. Further, experiments are performed with an exemplary abrasive MRF. The corresponding rheological properties are analysed and compared to the model results. Finally, the material removal rates are investigated using optical methods and weight examination.[1]
[1] Kumar, M. and Singh Yadav, H. N. An overview of magnetorheological polishing fluid applied in nano-finishing of components, Journal of Micromanufacturing, Volume 5, Number 2, p. 82-100, 2022.
[2] Narayan, L. and Agarwal, H., Magnetorheological Finishing (MRF) of a Freeform Non-magnetic Work Material, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Volume 4, Number 6, p. 611-618, 2014.
[3] Wang, A. and Lee, S., Study the characteristics of magnetic finishing with gel abrasive, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Volume 49, p. 1063-1069, 2009.
Abrasive magnetorheological fluids, Rheometer design
Submission Author
Valentin Schreiner
Technische Universität Berlin
Fabian Sordon
Technical University of Berlin
Jürgen Maas
Technical University of Berlin
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