Study on pipeline vibration control using magnetorheological-tuned mass damper
ID:114 Submission ID:113 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-05-10 13:48:52 Hits:590 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-06-11 14:40 (Asia/Shanghai)


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In order to solve the problem of high frequency vibration of industrial pipelines in petrochemical enterprises, a tuned mass damper (TMD) based on magnetorheological (MR) effect is proposed. TMD can reduce the vibration response of the structure by tuning resonance with the pipeline system, and the TMD combined with MR technology can also have the semi-active control characteristics of MR devices. The dynamic characteristics of industrial pipelines are studied, and the relevant design requirements and parameters for damper are obtained. The optimal natural frequency, passive damping, and mass ratio of the damper are determined using fixed point theory. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the proposed magnetorheological-tuned mass damper (MR-TMD) are tested, and the experimental results showed that the output damping force is about 900 N at the applied current of 2 A, which can meet the vibration attenuation requirements of pipeline. Finally, the vibration control model of the industrial pipelines is established, and the whole system is simulated and analyzed using passive control, dual-state control, and ADD control, respectively. The vibration attenuation effect of different control algorithms is predicted and compared. And the results shows that the MR-TMD based on control methods can effectively reduce the vibration of the industrial pipelines.
industrial pipelines,TMD,MR effect,vibration control
Lifan Wu
Mr. Chongqing University

Submission Author
Lifan Wu Chongqing University
Hao Wu Chongqing University
Jinchao Ran Chongqing University
Huafeng Shan Quietime Co. Ltd.
Yuanyi Luo Quietime Co. Ltd.
Xiaodong Zhang Quietime Co. Ltd.
Rui Yang Chongqing University
Xiaomin Dong Chongqing University
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