Viscoelastic mechanical modelling for anisotropic magnetorheological elastomer with tilt magnetic chain under shear behaviour
ID:39 Submission ID:26 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-06-05 22:58:28 Hits:622 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2023-06-10 12:22 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Abstract: Magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) have potential for a wide range of applications as magnetically controlled smart materials, such as vibration control devices, magnetically driven soft robots and smart sensor development. Although it performs the excellent magneto-mechanical properties and electrical conductivity, the complex viscoelastic phenomena pose difficulties for their precise application. There is a research gap in the viscoelastic magneto-mechanical model for characterizing mechanical properties of MREs with tilt magnetic chain. The small-strain linear viscoelasticity and nonlinear Bouc-Wen hysteretic models were developed on viscoelastic mechanical modelling for anisotropic MREs with tilt magnetic chain under shear behaviour. MRE films with tilt magnetic chain were obtained using a deflected magnetic field preparation process. The dynamic mechanical properties of which with different microstructural parameters were characterized by magnetorheological experiments. Experimental results analyzed the effect of magnetic chain angle, mass fraction and flux density on magnetostatic modulus, storage modulus and loss modulus. The results of the small-strain linear and non-linear Bouc-Wen Hysteretic models were compared to demonstrate the adaptability and accuracy of the viscoelastic theoretical models for anisotropic MREs incorporated tilt magnetic chains. These dynamic models comprising magneto-induced mechanical model is applied on the evaluated dynamic mechanics with dual regulation of excitation frequency and magnetic field strength.
nonlinear Bouc-Wen hysteretic models,tilt magnetic chain,magneto-mechanical properties,anisotropic MREs
Leizhi Wang
Harbin Institute of Technology

Submission Author
Leizhi Wang Harbin Institute of Technology
Zhaobo Chen Harbin Institute of Technology
Ke Zhang Harbin Institute of Technology
Ding Wei Harbin Institute of Technology
Zhao Jinming Nanjing tech university
Zhou Yongjun Nanjing Tech University
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