A highly stretchable self-healing composite with tunable stiffness
ID:70 Submission ID:2 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-06-02 16:50:37 Hits:616 Invited speech

Start Time:2023-06-09 11:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Concurrent Session 2 » [S2-1] Concurrent Session 2-1

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    Biological muscles can complete various complex functions by tunable stiffness. The key is to develop a composite with tunable stiffness as well as self-healing properties and stretchability. In this work, we design a composite with amorphous TiO2 particles and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) matrix crosslinked with metal-ligand interactions. The PDMS matrix enables the composite to have self-healing properties and excellent stretchability, while the interactions between the TiO2 particles can be enhanced by applying an electric field, which provides the composite with an electric field-controlled stiffness. The tunable storage modulus increased by 180% at 4 kV/mm. The stiffness of a simply supported beam increased by 10.8% at 6 kV with respect to that at 0 kV. Based on its tunable stiffness, self-healing properties and stretchability, this composite can mimic many functions of human muscles and has promising applications as an artificial muscle.
self-healing, tunable stiffness, stretchability, electrorheological elastomer, artificial muscles
Zenghui Zhao
students Dalian University of Technology

Submission Author
Zenghui Zhao Dalian University of Technology
Sufeng Zhu Dalian University of Technology
Xufeng Dong Dalian University of Technology
Min Qi Dalian University of Technology
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