A Novel ‘S’ Chain Structure Mechanism Model of Magneto-Rheological Elastomer
ID:79 Submission ID:79 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-03-28 10:17:44 Hits:652 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-06-11 17:10 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Concurrent Session 2 » [S2-7] Concurrent Session 2-7 & 2-8

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Abstract-Magneto-rheological elastomer (MRE) mechanism model based on chain structure has been widely concerned. However, the experimental results indicate that the internal chain of MRE, under the external magnetic field is not straight or oblique. Therefore, a novel 'S' chain structure mechanism model is proposed, which is more practical by studying the microscopic effects of internal magnetic particles due to adsorption and chain formation and extrusion repulsion. The model combines the fully coupled magnetic field, particle distribution characteristics correction and lateral shrinkage of the material, thus can reveal the influence of magnetized particles on the total magnetic field strength, the uneven distribution of particles in the initial chain formation and the effect between adjacent chain particles. The proposed ’S’ chain model is verified with the test results. This work provides an important theoretical basis for MRE configuration and application.
Magneto-rheological elastomer,fully coupled magnetic field,‘S’ chain structure,uneven distribution
Hailong Zhang
Associated Professor Nanjing Normal University

Submission Author
Hailong Zhang Nanjing Normal University
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