High Performance Anisotropic Giant Electrorheological Elastomer and Its Application in Smart Table Tennis Racket
ID:92 Submission ID:86 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-04-03 13:22:19 Hits:578 Poster Presentation

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Smart technologies bring innovation to the life and sports arena. To adapt to diverse play styles and improve unconventional technique of table tennis players, a smart table tennis racket with tunable stiffness based on anisotropic electrorheological elastomers (EREs) is developed. The EREs are prepared in the designed mold under the electric field to form an anisotropic structure that consisted of electrorheological particles and facilitated the generation of interparticle saturation surface polarization and the local electric field. Therefore, the electrorheological property of anisotropic EREs is significantly promoted, attaining a relative electrorheological effect of 17,160% in shear mode, and the incremental shear storage and compression modulus of 5.2 and 6.4 MPa. By applying an electric field, the smart racket successfully changes the trajectory of balls, reduced ejection angle by 11% and increased ejection velocity by 2%.
Anisotropic structure,Electrorheological elastomer,Table tennis racket
Dongyang Huang
PhD student Shanghai University

Submission Author
Dongyang Huang Shanghai University
Jinbo Wu Shanghai University
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