Study on adjustable natural frequency of 3D-printed magnetorheological elastomer
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Study on adjustable natural frequency of 3D-printed magnetorheological elastomer

Rui Wu1*, Bing Chen1#, Zhijun Zhao1, Zhiyang Niy1,

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Magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) has the characteristic of adjustable stiffness under magnetic field, which makes it widely used in vibration damping components. The use of 3D printing technology can improve the natural frequency adjustable characteristics of MRE by changing its 3D structure. Therefore, in this paper, the study of the natural frequency adjustable characteristics of 3D printing MRE is carried out. The main research and work content of this paper are as follows:
 Firstly, 3D printing platform for MRE was constructed. Based on the rheological properties of the material, the parameters of extrusion speed, nozzle height, nozzle diameter and feed speed suitable for MRE printing were obtained through the experimental study.
 Secondly, the expression of the adjustable property of the natural frequency of MRE is derived by combining the generalized Maxwell viscoelastic model and bipolar model. It is shown that the adjustable property of the natural frequency of MRE increases with the increase of MR Effect. The experimental results show that the MR Effect is higher when the integral number of carbonyl iron powder is 30% and the mass fraction of multi-walled carbon nanotubes is 1.0%.
Finally, the influence of lay-up direction, lay-up Angle and lay-up type on the adjustable natural frequency of 3D printing MRE is analysed by orthogonal experiment. And the results show that the natural frequency of the 3D printing MRE in XY plane has good adjustable characteristics.

Key words3D print; Magnetorheological elastomer; Natural frequency; Material components; Layup structure

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3D printed,Magnetorheological elastomer,Natural frequency,Material components
Rui Wu
undergraduate Northwestern Polytechnical University

Submission Author
Rui Wu Wu Northwestern Polytechnical University
Bing Chen Chen Northwestern Polytechnical University
Zhijun Zhao Zhao Northwestern Polytechnical University
Zhiyang Niu Niu Northwestern Polytechnical University
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